
The Western world tends to think in the duality of the mind-body problem:

nowadays (dark age?) Western people identify with their Ego, their mind, and question the concept (degeneration of Western churches?) of an soul.

In contrast, Eastern systems divide into material space, thought space and ethereal space. The body has five senses, the mind is the sixth sense, and there is the 7-Chakra system, 7 senses, for the ethereal space.

From the Western point of view, we have a stage 3 problem statement:

We humans create an artifical mind, the AI, what if this artificial mind will suffer, should we do this?

From the Eastern point of view, we have a stage 4 problem statement:

We humans create an artifical being, the AI, consisting of an body and an mind, what if this being is seperated from its soul, should we do this?