Epsilon Engine
To be more precise, Tummi will be only a kind of front-end to the Epsilon engine, there will be a back-end, Luther, to view and edit the knowledge graphs, and I aim for another front-end, KEN (acronym for Karl Eugen Neumann), for language translations.
I plan different pipes for the Epsilon engine, to address different kind of queries for the same memepool as knowledge graph, but I did not work out any details yet...
Epsilon and front-end code is currently Ruby, with front-ends as simple Sinatra web-applications, database with SPARQL-endpoints will probably be Fuseki from the Jena project, cos they offer RDFs reasoner and SPARUL.
The first Tummi release is aimed as an proof of concept on the SQuA-Dataset with ~500 English Wikipedia articles, we will see how far I will get with this.
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